For 80 years, Yasaka Corporation in Japan- the Parent company of YPIC has engaged in producing aluminum metal parts for Electronics, Automobiles, Constructions and Lighting fixtures.
We aim to be the premier producer of die casting products in various applications that aim to improve the quality of life. We are committed to produce the best quality products that exceed customer satisfaction and prove to be the mark of our excellent workmanship.
Yasaka Philippines International Corporation aims to be the premier producer of die casting products that improve the quality of life and bring economic success to our costumers, partners, employees and the rest of the world.
Anchored on this vision, YPIC shall continue to provide quality and innovative die casting solutions and products that exceed customer expectations, increase shareholder value and provide a healthy and safe work environment for our employees.

Yasaka Philippines International Corporation will stay at the forefront of industry innovation and adapt to changing local and global demands. We accept this challenge by discovering new, more efficient and sustainable ways of shaping the future.

To be the leading and most trusted Die Casting company in the country, we place our hope in the company's constant pursuit of excellence in customer satisfaction, developing the competence of our people and practicing good governance

The road to the future is one filled with challenges, but also enormous potential. With advancing technologies and increasing global demands for Die-Cast components, the future could not be more optimistic for Yasaka Philippines International Corporation.

Driven by our commitment to deliver the best quality products to our clients, we continuously improve our systems and processes to navigate through the rapidly evolving trends and conditions worldwide.

Our mission as a company is to become a catalyst of progress for our customers, employees, partner companies and other stakeholders. We strive for an existence that benefits all.

As subsidiary of Yasaka Corporation-Japan, we adopted the Japan culture and tradition of consistent excellence and customer satisfaction above all else, while nurturing the talents and competence inherent in our people.

Yasaka Philippines International Corporation (YPIC) was established in 2014, born of hope and the long-term vision for globalization. Our parent company, Yasaka Corporation, has existed and has been a pillar of industry in Higashi Osaka, japan since 1935.

Boasting of more than 80 years of experience in Die-Cast manufacturing, Yasaka has stood the test of time and will remain strong while continuously evolving and adapting to the changing times.

We are committed to deliver the best quality die-casting products using cutting-edge and clean technologies that provide us the best outcome while taking care of mother earth.

The quality of our work is our signature. We pride ourselves on the professionalism and commitment that we put into everything that we do to deliver only the best of results.

Yasaka Corporation in japan, the parent company of YPIC, aims to be the leading and most trusted Die-Casting manufacturer that puts premium to customer satisfaction, above standard quality products and good governance.

The favorable economic setting and the boundless opportunities opened the doors for investors to explore the potentials of the Philippines. YPIC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Yasaka Corporation with headquarters in Japan has seen this potential to be its gateway to globalization in the future.

We recognize that our important asset is our people whose skills and competence have contributed to the achievement of our business goals and target growth. As we grow, our employees shall grow with us. As we expand, we will give back to the community that embraced us.

Aluminum lighting fixtures are uesd in building, homes, commercial and other man made structures to bring designs to our illumination outdoor houses and buildings and keep every home and infrastructure with life everyday.

Manufacture Aluminum & Zinc


Machine processing

finish processing of industrial products